According to the World Health Organization, the rate of C-section should be at most 10% to 15%, while more than that falls into the category of emergency.
In Pakistan, this rate has exceeded 30% for which there are three reasons.
1- Fear of labor pain
2-Planned delivery
3- Medical business
I have come up with these reasons after knowing the various cases. In some cases, C-section is advised by doctors unnecessarily and in some cases people prefer C-section over natural delivery because there is no emergency in it and the date of operation is planned. . While some women prefer C-section for fear of labor pain.
I want to stop this growing trend and start an awareness campaign regarding the complications of C-section. If any health professional or NGO is working for this purpose, mention it.
If a door-to-door campaign has to be done for this, I will be a part of it.