Cut the gas connections of the upper, middle, and middle-upper classes and bring the consumers to cylinders; the country cannot afford the luxury of gas connections, said former Chairman FBR.
Economic expert and former chairman of the FBR, Shabar Zaidi, demanded to stop 5000 notes, mini chain shops, and gas connections in rich areas. In a special conversation, Shabar Zaidi said to stop the 5,000 notes and announce that he would ask them to deposit these notes in the bank. Tell them to deposit the 5,000 notes in the bank, and half of the people would not claim them. What was talked about, now that people understand, is that there are no exchange companies anywhere in the world except Dubai. He said that if Afghan transit trade is limited, then half of Pakistan’s market will be fine. Shabar Zaidi said that the upper, middle, and lower classes should cut gas connections for the middle and upper classes and bring consumers to cylinders. Tell rich consumers to get gas cylinders; the country cannot afford the luxury of a gas connection.