In a meeting chaired by Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi, the Punjab Cabinet approved the minimum salary of workers at Rs 32,000 to provide relief to the workers, free travel on Metrobus service and the Orange Line metro train for the disabled, elderly, and students, and government medical services. The recommendations of the committee for the admission policy for the session of 2023-24 in dental colleges, the formation of a cabinet committee to deal with smog, and the release of an endowment fund of one billion rupees for the welfare of journalists and their families were approved, the Chief Minister said. Directed to complete the projects of Punjab soon, the decision to entrust the Health Facilities Management Company with the responsibility of making functional and operational dispensaries established in the High Court premises of Lahore, Rawalpindi, Bahawalpur, and Multan, the decision to further expand the scope of the Punjab education landscape, Multan Extension of the contract of employees of the Violence Against Women Center and appointment of chairman and member for LDA Commission, transfer of management of Haji Abdul Qayyum Teaching Hospital Sahiwal from Department of Specialized Health Care and Medical Education to Department of Primary and Secondary Health, national control of the oil pipelines system. Provincial policy for network safety and security, names of personalities for Quaid-e-Azam Police Medal and President Police Medal, and establishment of Punjab Mental Health Authority under Punjab Mental Health (Amendment) Act 2014 approved, Mohsin Naqvi visited Nawaz Sharif Agricultural University Multan What, preparation of final recommendations, and announcement of a ministerial committee to promote agricultural research in a sustainable manner. Provincial ministers SM Tanveer, Bilal Afzal, Javed Akram, and Ibrahim Murad are included in the committee. Mohsin Naqvi said that we are far behind in SEED, and Uzbekistan took the seed from here, and today it is getting double cotton production. All private and public agricultural universities should submit their proposals within 7 days.
Punjab Cabinet Raises Minimum Wage to 32K, Offers Free Metro Services
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