The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has successfully apprehended the most sought-after human trafficker associated with the tragic Libyan boat accident. The arrested suspect has ties to the Yunan boat incident and was listed in the “red book” of the most wanted human traffickers. The accused, identified as Javed Hussain of FIA Gujarat Circle, was wanted in connection with seven cases. Following the Yunan boat accident, the accused had gone into hiding. Notably, the arrested individual served as a key operative for the most wanted suspect, Hamza Saniyare, who is based in Libya. The FIA has revealed that the accused was orchestrating an international human trafficking network from Gujarat, facilitating the illegal transportation of innocent citizens from Libya to Europe. Multiple raids were conducted to apprehend the accused, and modern resources were employed for his arrest. The investigation is now underway.
FIA Arrests Human Trafficker Linked to Libya Boat Accident