Home Article The 76th Independence Day…

The 76th Independence Day…

by Gee Tv
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liaqat baloch

The 76th Independence Day is a great blessing of Allah, the value of freedom, the achievement of the goals of freedom is a great test and a test of a free nation. In order to free the Muslims of the subcontinent from one slavery to another, Allama Iqbal’s thoughts and inspiring words and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s trust and honesty, intelligence and perseverance and a clear stance and determined leadership for the freedom of Muslims. There are many aspects to quaid-e-Azam’s movement for the establishment of Pakistan. It is quite clear that the leadership of the Movement of Pakistan wanted to make not only freedom and free region for the Muslims of the subcontinent, but also the free Pakistan a practical model of La Ilaha Illa Allah, that a free, dignified, Muslim nation, in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, should establish an example of Islamic, welfare state. It is a tragedy that not only the thought of Allama Iqbal has been ignored, but every tactic of forgetting and forgetting has been used. In this way, quaid-e-Azam’s clear vision was also suppressed, the forces denying the collective system of Islam continued every evil attempt to push it into the background. This is the reason that a country of 240 million people, free, resourceful, rich in human capabilities, has been removed from honor, dignity and development and stability. Democracy, elections, supremacy of constitution and law and Islamic ideology are the foundations of the movement for the establishment of Pakistan and independent Pakistan. But deviations have opened the way to every catastrophe.
Quaid-e-Azam led the Pakistan Movement in several stages of the Freedom Movement. In this context, there were many ups and downs of the political slavery and freedom movement of the Indian subcontinent. With the advent of the Indian Law in 1935, the coming together of the Islamic people of the subcontinent under the banner of the All India Muslim League, the continuous struggle after the Lahore Resolution and the approach to the destination of independence, Quaid-e-Azam’s far-reaching eyes made policy statements and speeches on various gatherings, seminars, conferences and global conditions according to the importance and need of the situation.In this context, speeches in the period 1946-48 are of great importance. Some of quaid’s speeches and statements are being made part of this article on the occasion of 76th Independence Day. Quaid-e-Azam addressed seminars on youth, students, women, businessmen, industrialists, teachers, army officers and very important topics during this period and made policy statements on Kashmir and Palestine as well as the global situation, which are part of history and are still an important foundation for policy making.
(On January 10, 1946, on the historic victory in the elections to the Central Legislative Assembly.) message)
“On this day of great success, I say to those who care about the future of India. Do not think that you can seduce us by toying or by adopting any trick or tactic, you can persuade Muslims to accept something less than the creation of Pakistan. Because this alone is the only solution to india’s constitutional problem that will take both Pakistan and India to the destination of peace, security and prosperity. “With 100% success in the Central Legislative Assembly, the destination of independence came closer. This made it clear that Pakistan would be formed and the freedom movement would reach its destination. Quaid-e-Azam declared on this victory and victory that the victory of the elections is a declaration of our determination that it is not a curse nor should there be any misunderstanding. We want the creation of Pakistan and it will remain Pakistan despite all costs and every opposition. The victory of the first phase of elections was a day of happiness and happiness for the Muslims of India, political forces abroad were surprised at the success of the Muslim League. Success based on political mass electoral struggle was not exemplified anywhere else in the freedom movements. (Quaid-e-Azam’s address at a public meeting in Delhi on January 11, 6491)
All political parties abroad are surprised by this unprecedented victory of the Muslim League because such a success has never been achieved in the electoral history of the world. Hitler and Mussolini also could not win 100 percent of the elections despite the internment camps, the Gustapo and the powerful forces. “We don’t have anything other than this kind of detention camp, the gestapo and the army, but we still achieved a determined and grand victory. Quaid-e-Azam also said in a public meeting in Delhi on January 11, 6491:
“The Muslim League is accused of being a party of nawabs, nawabzadas and title-winning people. More than two lakh people are present in the public meeting, I ask whether this public meeting is made up of Nawabs, Nawabzadas and Khan Bahadurs (the participants of the public meeting raised slogans). How many Nawabs and Khans are bravest than us, the Quaid said that a movement with which the common people are not there, Nawab Sahiban, the people who are addressed can not do anything. The strength of The Pakistan Movement is the support of Allah and the power of the people. “
He said this while addressing meetings and meetings of students of Lahore, Aligarh, Calcutta, Delhi, Sikh students, Sindh Muslim College, Muslim students, Assam, Islamia College Peshawar, Edward College. Wherever Quaid-e-Azam went, millions of people would gather to welcome him, especially the youth, students, who participated, the leader’s enthusiasm would also be young and the enthusiasm and determination in the address would be useless. (Speaking at Islamia College, January 31, 6491)
“I ask you to take the path of villages and tell the people of the villages that they should not be afraid of anyone. There are some Muslims in India who are playing into the hands of the government and the Congress. They are queaslings. We have no strength, no concentration camps, no Gestapo, no oppressive army, but the Muslims of India have a purpose. They are ready to die for Pakistan.It is a matter of satisfaction that Muslims have started to understand the issues, they consider Pakistan as their favorite destination when you consider the establishment of Pakistan as a problem of death and life, when you are ready to face every difficulty, then no alliance, conspiracy will succeed. “Let them (opponents) go mad. “
(January 71, 6491) Address to college students of Punjab: Hindus cannot give us Pakistan, they themselves are slaves, this freedom has to be taken from those who are imposed on us, there has been a complete revolution in Punjab. I am witnessing this situation myself, there was a time when Punjabis were afraid to take the name of Pakistan in their language. But now all the feelings of fear are gone, the villagers are also not afraid of bureaucracy, Punjabis have regained their soul. There are still difficult situations. The cell of foolish pawns and mercenaries of the imposing forces is on the move. These days interfere in a terrible, serious and criminal manner but you have to demolish bureaucratic forts in Punjab. Tell the students and youth that you have done a great job. I do not have the authority to distribute medals and lands, your reward is that you continue to serve the nation with utmost sincerity. Elections should be fair and fair and people should vote according to their conscience. The same message should be conveyed to the young villages of the students. “
Quaid-e-Azam addressed women’s meetings and gatherings in the freedom movement. He delivered important speeches in Lahore, Delhi, Shillong, Sylhet, Calcutta and other cities.
“It is the duty of every Muslim woman to help in the struggle for the attainment of Pakistan, today a new wave of life is running among Muslim women, no nation of theirs can progress without the active support of their women. They may stay on screen, but the message of freedom has reached within the veil. The freedom movement has sent a message of hope to Muslim women. In every Muslim family today. Every Muslim woman and child knows that the number of doctors, teachers, professors is less among women. This trend is not good, we have great work in front of us, which is very big, women have to move forward on every front. Women have to be equipped with jewel knowledge, teach their children as well. Quaid-e-Azam said that the freedom movement is close to the destination, double your efforts but also quadruple it and fill the lack of time which has gone out of hand. Go side by side with men and play your role in nation building. No power in the world can stop us from acquiring Pakistan and we will take away Pakistan. (Quaid-e-Azam addressed the women in Urdu and also spoke for a few minutes in English.
On March 2, 6491, in a meeting with the leaders of the Sikh Students Federation, Quaid-e-Azam said: “I want to make it clear to the President, Secretary and Sikh youth and students of the All India Sikh Students Federation that as a nation Sikhs have the right to have their own state and I am not opposed to it. will. I assure the Sikhs that I am ready and ready to take every step to bring about reconciliation between The Sikhs and the Muslims. Quaid-e-Azam played an inspiring role on every front with a full understanding of the needs of the Pakistan Movement. Quaid-e-Azam told the correspondent of Daily Hamdard Srinagar on February 3, 6491 on the situation in Kashmir: “I have not forgotten the problems of Kashmir despite all my engagements and the elections of British India. He said that the people of Kashmir are fully aware of the plight of the people of Kashmir, although most of the Kashmiris will have to bear the brunt of the struggle against oppression there, but whenever the opportunity comes, they will always help them in every way and said in a confident tone that I am sure that the day is not far when good results will be achieved and the people of Kashmir will breathe a sigh of relief. Quaid-e-Azzam said in his message to the Kashmir Muslim Conference on October 62, 6491, “Be united, work selflessly, diligently, hard and in an organized manner and I assure you that no power in the world can stop you from achieving azad Kashmir and your just, legitimate rights.” All the sympathies of The Muslims of India are with you in your struggle, I pray for the success of your struggle. Quaid-e-Azzam, in a meeting with a delegation of Kashmiri leaders on November 2, 6491, said that it is the fundamental right of Kashmiris to come together peacefully. Express your grievances, talk about your grievances and criticize the government’s lapses, wrong actions. The most prominent leaders of Kashmiris Condemned the arrest, also condemned the detention without trial, condemned the strategy of suppressing freedom of expression before the elections, the use of dirty tactics to strangle freedom of expression through terrorism. Quaid-e-Azzam said, “Kashmir is our own jugular vein, what can be a greater negligence for a nation than that its jugular vein is occupied by the enemy and it still sleeps with China?” It is the duty of Pakistan and Pakistanis to raise their voice against Indian tyranny, fascism, oppression and help the oppressed. Rulers, people and policy makers should make policy and action plans for the freedom of Kashmir in the light of Quaid-e-Azzam’s set strategy on a regular basis. It is quite certain that the basis of the policy is that there are four parties to the Kashmir issue. Pakistan, India, the United Nations and most importantly the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir have to decide their future. No one should impose their decision on Kashmiris.
Quaid-e-Azzam also spoke on various occasions on the issue of Palestine, the most important issue of the Islamic world. On July 3, 6491, in a meeting with the United Press representatives, he said: “In order to resolve the Palestinian issue” the persecution of the Jews should be stopped. It is a great injustice to the Jews to be pushed into Palestine. Honesty requires that the arrival of Jews into Palestine should be abolished for the sake of change of homeland. Quaid said that England and America should get out of Palestine and let the Arabs and Jews fight and solve this problem. “They have no conscience, nor do they care about justice or justice,” he said. The fact is that The American Zionists take America by the nose and take it wherever they want. In order to resolve the Palestinian issue, the leader said that Anglo-American influence should end in Palestine, the flow of Jews from Palestine should be stopped, the Jews who are already settled in Palestine should be settled in Australia, Canada or any country where there is no capacity, then their fate will be worse than what was under Hitler. ۔ It is clear that the Jews want to conquer Palestine again with the help of America and England. This step will never be complete and world peace will be ruined. The Muslims of India will not remain mute spectators, they will support the Arabs in every possible way.
August 41: The message of Independence Day is to know the objectives of the creation of Pakistan. Recognize Quaid-e-Azzam’s all-round struggle from every angle, make independent Pakistan an ideal Islamic, welfare, prosperous, stable Pakistan according to the objectives of the establishment of Pakistan. The 67th Independence Day should be such that the state, politics, policy makers, civil society and all stakeholders come together at a decisive stage and turn on national priorities.

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