Home Article The case of Pakistan

The case of Pakistan

by Aziz Khan
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Aziz khan

Imran politics and desecration of the state, nation, judiciary, armed forces and state institutions and especially the violation of our religious, moral and social values.

A multi-pronged public awareness program called “Pakistan Ka Muqadama” is being launched from the platform of The Greater Pakistan Movement. In which not only the universal problems faced by the country and the nation, the factors behind these problems, the visible and hidden effects on the society due to these problems, solving these problems on a far-reaching basis and the complete coverage of all related matters. What will be done is, rather, turning away from the basic objectives of the establishment of Pakistan, as a nation and a state, political instability, repeated military regimes, bad governance, the separation of East Pakistan, the former Soviet Afghan war, the war in Afghanistan. War, the rise and fall of the Taliban, the global war against terrorism, the never-ending wave of terrorism in Pakistan, unrest and riots in Karachi, Balochistan and tribal areas, the mutual strife of politicians for power, economic instability, social defeat. Detailed light will be thrown on the pattern etc. In addition to this, the idea of the Greater Pakistan, its basic features, the dream of a stable Pakistan and the redetermination of Pakistan’s regional and global role, as well as the possibilities of making Pakistan the greatest country and forming the Pakistani society on the pattern of a unified nation and these goals. Short-term and long-term planning for achievement as well as the difficulties faced in achieving these multifaceted objectives, the difficulties to be overcome and all such related factors are examined in depth and meticulously from various angles. will go and create a recognized and agreed national narrative on a universal basis.

We are starting this case with the title of “urban politics and desecration of the state, nation, judiciary, armed forces of Pakistan and state institutions and especially violation of our religious, moral and social values”.

Today, as a child of Pakistan, the cause of Pakistan is for its nation, all national and regional political parties, organizations, groups and units of Pakistan, judiciary, Pakistan forces, state institutions, social and welfare institutions and organizations, media, religious and business classes for the sake of Pakistan. Every religious, political, social and welfare leader and worker, every judge, munsif and lawyer, every army officer and soldier, every government officer and functionary, every religious scholar, pesh imam, muezzin and student, every teacher and student, every landlord. , landlords and peasants, every capitalist, trader and laborer, every wise, wise and intelligent Pakistani man, woman and child, and I want to present some questions, objects and objections and I hope that All of us as a nation, individually and collectively, will consider all these questions, objects and problems with the utmost sincerity and open heart from the bottomless depth of the heart in a wider perspective and all kinds of personal, linguistic, regional, communal and Going beyond religious differences, hatred, malice and prejudice, they will make a right-based decision only in the greater interest of their country, the Kingdom of God, Pakistan and their nation.

The following are the questions, objectives and questions:
What is the reason that the state, the nation, the judiciary, the armed forces of Pakistan and the state institutions are being weakened for the sake of Imran Khan? Why is the sanctity of the state, nation, judiciary, armed forces of Pakistan and state institutions being violated for the sake of one person’s false ego, stubbornness, stubbornness and lust for power? Why are our religious, moral and social values being undermined for the sake of it?

Is Imran Khan more important than the state, the nation, the judiciary, the Pakistan Army, state institutions and especially our religious, moral and social values? Is he beyond the law who can be touched, arrested and not questioned?

After all, what is the reason that all the state and law enforcement agencies including the Pakistan Army, judiciary and all the leading political parties are feeling helpless and helpless in front of Imran Khan?

Why is anyone reluctant to rein it in? Why has it been given such a blanket discount? Why is it not being declassified? Why are his crimes and national crimes being overlooked? Why is he not being brought to court? Why is it not being used as a lesson? Why is it being backed? Why are the courts, the Pakistan Army and all state institutions embarrassing themselves for this?

What is the reason that sometimes some army generals support him behind the scenes, sometimes some judges of the judiciary cross all limits in facilitating him, sometimes some elements of the media present him as a modern-day messiah. And sometimes some landlords and capitalists back him?

Why is he being kept alive artificially? Why is he being unfairly cast as a giant Frankenstein? Why has the security and survival of the state, the honor and reputation of the nation, state institutions, law, administrative and economic structures, social trends and our collective religious, moral and social values been put at stake for the sake of this Frankenstein?

Don’t his supporters and those behind him know that he is not a leader but the biggest demagogue of our time? Do they not know that this person is spreading the seeds of hatred and intolerance in the society? Do they not know that he is fostering chaos and anarchy in the society? Don’t they know that it has poisoned politics? Do they not know that he has become a threat to the existence of the state? Don’t they know that this is the same person who used to talk about civil disobedience and is now talking about civil war in the country with the utmost boldness, shamelessness and brazenness? Don’t they know that they are talking about the bankruptcy of the common country? Doesn’t he talk about the division of Pakistan without any reason? Doesn’t he talk about ending Pakistan’s nuclear power? Is he not inciting public hatred against the state and state institutions, especially Pakistan’s forces? Is he not creating an atmosphere of rebellion against the state in the country? Is he not violating our great religious, moral and social values?

Is there no one in this country and nation to stop it? He resigns from the assemblies whenever he wants, dissolves the assemblies whenever he wants, tramples the constitution of Pakistan under his feet with extreme contempt, flouts the law whenever he wants, violates the sanctity of the state whenever he wants. Whether he disrespects the Pakistan Army, curses the judiciary whenever he wants, abuses the opponents whenever he wants and his supporters shake their heads at everything he says.

Don’t his supporters and those who support him behind the scenes know that in his misguided blind devotion they are committing treason against the nation and the state? Don’t they know that in supporting it they are breaking their covenant with the state? Do they not know that their loyalty should be to the state and not to a person who will not hesitate to destroy the state for the sake of his false ego, stubbornness, stubbornness and lust for power?

Don’t his supporters and those supporting him behind the scenes know what message they are sending to the nation? Will the nation ever forgive these people? Does the nation not know that in its misguided and blind devotion, sometimes the army violates its limits and sometimes the judiciary crosses every legal and moral limit in its covert facilitation? Does the nation not know how it was given power? Is the nation not seeing that it is being given extreme extraordinary judicial relief? Does the nation not understand the issues of how our courts are protecting him instead of making him criminal and how he is giving decisions against the constitution and the law?

As a child of Pakistan, I would like to convey a message to everyone that all this will not go on any longer, for the sake of an individual, we are violating the state, nation, judiciary, armed forces of Pakistan, state institutions and especially our religious, moral and social values. can’t see After all, how long will the nation see the Shiraz of the nation disintegrating in front of its eyes? The nation is not blind but is observing everything. Although the nation is scattered at present and is criminally negligent in political matters, but the day the nation wakes up and the nation’s spirit of faith awakens, the nation will come forward with a full force, and all these elements will flourish. Those who are involved in imposing this monster on the country and nation will be held accountable.

From the platform of The Greater Pakistan Movement, we are working on national awareness and preparation of greater leadership in accordance with our motto of establishing a greater Pakistan, creating a higher nationality and implementing a superior law. We pledge to the nation that we will not leave the nation helpless. We will fight the case of Pakistan at every level. We will fight the case of Pakistan at the global level as well as at the local level. It will be fought in the Houses of Pakistan and also on public forums.
It will be fought in the courts of Pakistan as well as in the Awami Jirgas and Panchayats. It will be fought in educational institutions of Pakistan and also in business institutions. It will be fought in the mainstream media and also on social media. It will be fought in the cities of Pakistan as well as in the villages. It will be fought in the hilly areas of Pakistan as well as in the desert areas.

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