Home Article Shah Hussain Lahori

Shah Hussain Lahori

by Naeem ghuman
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It has been so many months and years that I have been thinking of writing something about Shah Hussain Lahori. I attended Shah Hussain’s court several times, but never dared to write anything about the blasphemous rind. To write on Shah Hussain, I needed faqir’s keta, jam may, darveshana roop, randana behrup, malangon ka dance, a group of mast-ul-sat mujdoobs and street corners of the city of Lahore. Shah Hussain’s vision, courage, reproachful color and soul song were needed to build my courage. I had to join the fakirs of Shah Hussain and go away from the palaces of the kings. Together with Shah Hussain, this city was to dance madly while holding jam in the gardens of the unprecedented city. On the banks of the Ravi, love prayers were to be offered in the presence of Shah Hussain. I was always waiting for all these things , but where in my destiny ? In my mind there is no thirst, no thirst, no color, no form, no song, no music, no masti, no head masti, no poverty, no dervishes, no randi, no drinking, no reproach, no dance, no dhamaal, no smoke, no hall, no kaif and sarwar, no unity, no plurality, no unity, no unity, no abundance, no unity, no unity, no compulsion, no love. There is no wasal, no wasal, no faraq, no tadap, no tarnam, no sarv le and no slogan, yet I am taking the name of Shah Hussain Lahori. That is why I dare to present my presence in the court of Faqir and Dervish Lahore. In fact, this is their inner disposal, otherwise I would not have been able to write on this rind bada nush. Let us now meet Shah Hussain Lahori and his dervishes.Every corner of The City of Lahore is a history. Dr. Tabassum Kashmeri says that it takes centuries to describe the history of Lahore. In every street corner of the city of Lahore, there is a fakir’s cata, somewhere there is a monastery, somewhere there is a pillow, somewhere there is a mekda, somewhere there is a dargah, somewhere there is a camp of randas, somewhere there is a chaubara, somewhere there is a chhaju, somewhere a bhagat has bowed his head.
Somewhere a sadhu is sitting on the tail, somewhere a fakir is singing the songs of love in his own style, somewhere there is a dervish dance, somewhere there is a festival, somewhere there is a basant bihari, somewhere there is a celebration on the banks of the Ravi, somewhere there is a song of love for the hijras of the Sufis. Somewhere in the mosques, the slogan of oneness seems to be mastana,Somewhere there is the sound of granth in gurdwaras, there is a rhythm of harmonium in the churches, somewhere the words of bhajans are being recited in temples, somewhere hearts are being mixed, somewhere there are sighs of food, somewhere there are prayers of loved ones.
There are temple bells somewhere. Somewhere there are gatherings of samaa, somewhere there is a ruckus of writers in tea houses, somewhere flowers are blooming, somewhere buds are withering, somewhere mullahs, pandits, qazis are making fatwas, somewhere poets are telling their hearts, somewhere there are colors of Holi, somewhere there is the light of Diwali, somewhere there is the festival of Baisakhi, somewhere the trees in the gardens are swinging with joy.
Somewhere there is basant, somewhere there is a dance and server gathering, somewhere there is the sound of song music, somewhere there is a pail playing.So somewhere the beat of drums is going on. Somewhere there is the smell of milking nabat, somewhere there is the smell of dervish smoke, somewhere Shah Hussain is beating drums with his fakirs. There is a crowd of dervishes around him. In the rainy city of the community of Malamatia, they are shouting slogans of jam in their hands.
Say Hussain Faqir Sain
I am not the most
Although this city is the same voice from all sides of the unprecedented.
Seven days and eight fair houses.
Lahore, a city with a rich past of culture and culture, freshness and beauty, elegance and color, history and culture, traditions and rituals, if there is one poor and blasphemous rind, it is Shah Hussain Lahori. Shah Hussain was a great son of The City of Lahore. Shah Hussain’s ancestors lived in this city for centuries. Shah Hussain was a Lahori in the perfect sense, who was the custodian of the customs of this city. The majority of the main characters present in Lahore city migrated from all over the world and reached Data Ki Nagri. It took them a lot of time to understand the specific atmosphere of the city. Shah Hussain’s case is different.Shah Hussain was born in 1538 and spent his childhood within twelve doors. His personality was a reflection of the color of the city of Lahore. His mood was vast. He was poor but the real son of this city. Shah Hussain’s father, Sheikh Usman Taksali, lived inside the gate and ran a cloth business. Shah Hussain’s grandfather Kals Rai was a Hindu and he became a Muslim during the reign of Firoz Shah Tughlaq. Shah Hussain’s family name was Dhadha Hussain. Dhadha is an offshoot of the Rajputs of Punjab. He was also called Hussain Jolaha, a resident of Taksali Darwaza, because of his father’s business.
Dada Hussain, who grew up in Tal Bagh, the neighborhood of Taksali Darwaza, was a lover of the Ravi river. Until the middle of the seventeenth century, the River Ravi flowed along the wall of the fort. Nowadays, the well-known Roshani Gate, imprisoned in Gurdwara Dera Sahib, was used for trade in those days. Ahlian Lahore used to spend his time on the banks of Ravi and nowadays Ravi is crying from Lahore, but light entertainment on its banks is still going on in some form or the other.As a child, whenever Shah Hussain stepped out of his courtyard, the merciless waves of the River Ravi greeted him. River Ravi was the real form of the city of Lahore. There were forests around it. Sadhus, fakirs, dervishes and jogis used to roam in these forests. Shah Hussain’s chest was also illuminated by the water of Ravi and this story is very interesting. As a child, Shah Hussain was sent by his father to Hafiz Abu Bakr of The Badi Mosque in Taksali Gate. At that time, mosques used to be schools. At the age of 10, Shah Hussain memorized seven paras and one day Hazrat Bahlul, a resident of Bahlol village on the banks of river Chenab, went to Lahore. He asked Hafiz Abu Bakr, “Call him who reads Shah Husayn to you.” When Shah Hussain came to Hazrat Bahlul, he asked Shah Hussain to bring water for ablution from the River Ravi.
When Shah Husayn reached the Ravi bank, hazrat Khizr (a), the ruler of the rivers, met Shah Husayn (a). Hazrat Khidr (a) said, “Son, let’s put all the water on my hand.” When Shah Husayn poured water on the hands of Hazrat Khidr (a)
So they poured the water into shah hussain’s mouth. The deeds of Hazrat Khidr (a) are also amazing, which if you look at it, he becomes a dervish and a fakir. When Shah Husayn returned, Hazrat Khidr (a) said, “Say my greetings to the elder in the mosque.” It was too late for a few drops of ravi’s water to come down the throat through Dast-e-Khidr (a) that the inner world of Shah Husayn changed.
He went to the mosque and narrated the whole story to Hazrat Bahlul, who lives on the banks of river Chenab. Bahloul asked Hafiz Abu Bakr who teaches Taraweeh in the mosque. He said, “I am the one who does this car.” Bahloul said, “Why doesn’t Shah Hussain teach Taraweeh?” and Hafiz Abu Bakr said, “He has memorized only seven paras.”
Hazrat Bahloul said that this year Shah Hussain will teach Taraweeh. When Shah Hussain started teaching Taraweeh, seven paragraphs were quickly finished. Bahloul said to Shah Hussain, “Go get water from the Ravi.” It was too late to drink the water that he recited the whole Qur’an till 27th Ramadan. God wondered how all this happened.
Bahloul took shah hussain’s arm and handed him over to Data Ali Hajveri on the banks of ravi and took the path to his homeland. Shah Hussain’s life had changed and he was engaged in mujahedeen and worship. They were bound by the outward law.
One day, he attended a lecture at the dargah of Shah Mohammad Ghaus outside Delhi Dorza. When this verse was heard, the world left everything except sports. After this, for twenty-seven years of his life, he wore a red shirt, holding a fakiri in his hand. He embraced religion and presented himself to the times for reproach. He became the pioneer of the sect of reproach which had been going on for centuries. A group of randas gathered around. In the streets of The City of Lahore, Shah Hussain, wearing a red pair, watched the spectacle. R۔ The narrator became the estate of this poor man. Playing in the streets and markets and dancing madly became his favorite pastime. Holding jam in his hands, he won the honor of being the biggest disgrace of the city of Lahore.
This color of Shah Hussain is a prominent aspect of his life.
۔ Shah Hussain used to spend the day on the banks of river Ravi with his dervishes by disrupting the worship of the pious people of the city of Lahore at night. The same narrator gave Madhav to Shah Hussain. One day, while wandering on the banks of the Ravi, the Hindu slave Looked at Madhav, and he became a house in his heart. Madhav’s heart waxed and left the house and became Shah Hussain’s. That day and this day Madhav also became an important character of the city of Lahore. I am surprised by the opinion of some intellectuals when they say that Madhavlal’s story is fabricated. They claim that Shah Hussain’s personality has been distorted by linking it to Madhav. ۔ In my view, the dedication and dedication that Madhav’s closeness had bestowed on Shah Hussain is inexhaustible. When the love of Shah Hussain grew in his pure chest, he was given the love of the fire and the love of Madhav. This love again ignited as a bonfire, which illuminated the streets of the city of Lahore. Shah Hussain gave the same kaif and masti the pirhan of Punjabi coffees. It was this love that made Shah Hussain the inventor of Punjabi coffee. What else will be left if Madhav is removed from Shah Hussain’s life? In today’s time, some friends think that Shah Hussain’s personality was adorned by Madhav. That’s not the case at all. Shah Hussain remained shah in every period. This is a Lahorei character that is unprecedented. His life reflects the atmosphere and atmosphere of the city of Lahore. Some people of this period have complained to Akbar Badshah against Shah Hussain, he drinks alcohol and dances with his malangs. When Akbar called Shah Hussain to him, he had a bottle of wine in his hand. Akbar’s followers were happy that today Shah Hussain would not be able to escape the hands of Mughal emperor Akbar. King Akbar asked Shah Hussain what was in his hand. King Akbar asked the experts to inspect this bottle and it turned out to be vinegar. On which King Akbar apologized to Shah Hussain and called his opponents very slow. Shah Hussain Lahori had given shelter to Dala Bhatti, who resisted King Akbar. Some historians have quoted that when Dala Bhatti was hanged and killed by Akbar King, his funeral was also taught by Shah Hussain Lahori.
Shah Hussain’s famous resort is located to the west of Hazrat Shah Sadruddin Huzuri Tomb and Mosque. Sadr-ud-Din Was The Caliph Of Hazrat Bahloul Daryai. Now this place is between Masjid Zakaria Khan and Masjid Moran.
Masjid Zakaria was a walking place in the west and the window was to the east of The Madhavlal Mosque. There was also Madhavlal in front of Masjid Zakaria. Hazrat Rang Bilawal Qadri had also built a mosque at this place.
Among the dervishes of Shah Hussain, the number of four was of great importance. They had four poor dervishes.Which were already famous up to four. Four of his divans were famous. Diwan Madhav, Diwan Gorakh, Devkan Bakhsh and Diwan Allah Devan. His four khaki malangs were famous, including Khaki Maula Bakhsh, khaki Shah, khaki Shah and Khaki Haider Shah. They had four Bilawals. Bilawal Shah Rang, Bilawal Buddhu, Third Bilawal Shah and fourth Bilawal Shah.
When Shah Hussain Lahori used to roam in the streets of the city of Lahore, it was the era of the Mughal emperors. Drashkoh wrote in his book Shata hayat that the Mughal princesses believed in your spiritual greatness and respected you very much. The women in the harem of Akbar King and Prince Salim were also devotees of Shah Hussain.
Whoever came to Lahore among the Mughal emperors used to visit the dargah of Shah Hussain. It is also about Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali that when they came to Lahore, they used to attend the dargah of Shah Hussain. During the Mughal period, the governors of Lahore used to pay homage to the dargah of Shah Hussain. Nawab Zakaria Khan built a mosque at the dargah of Shah Hussain.
When The Mughal Emperor Jahangir got the news that a fakir and dervish were always in the head of Ho His heart wanted to meet Shah Hussain. He sent messages many times, but King Shah Hussain of the inner world did not consider it appropriate to go to him. One day Shah Hussain was passing in front of the royal fort to go towards the River Ravi. When the mughal emperor Shah Jahan was informed by the gatekeepers, he ordered to bring Shah Hussain inside the fort. When Shah Hussain came in front of King Jahangir, he said, “Why have I been called?” Jahangir said, “Tell me one thing, how did you find the Lord?” Shah Hussain Lahori laughed and said as if you had met me. The Lord of the universe calls to Himself whoever He wills to meet . Upon answering this, the fakir came down from the fort. Jahangir put the duty of a man to follow Shah Hussain secretly and record his movements. This man did the same and later the accounts of Shah Hussain compiled by this man were published in book form. We also have a wonderful story. We are wandering and the city of Lahore is our love.
I have the privilege of being a neighbour of Shah Hussain. Government Shalimar College Baghbanpura, Lahore is under the supervision of Shah Hussain. I keep appearing before Shah Hussain. One of Shah Hussain’s katiyas is in Shahdara.
That place is called Shah Hussain’s pillow. Takia was the meeting of Shah Hussain Faqir. Shah Hussain Lahori used to sit in this place with his malangs.
When I visited Shah Hussain’s pillow, I felt as if Madhavlal Hussain was the pioneer of pea patrols in the city of Unprecedented. I saw the place where i saw a bunch of people. Sarmast Dervish was seen dancing. The instrument of the cafe and the server was heard. Madhavlal’s song Love kept pouring juice in the ears. I could hear the voices of Shah Hussain and his poor people every hundred times.
Faqir Shah Hussain had his own style in the true color of Lahore and the love of Lahore and Punjab. The city of Lahore is famous for its fairs. Shah Hussain’s fair chiragan is very important in this regard.There were lights from Shalimar Bagh to Delhi Gate.
In Lahore, the fair welcomes The Lamp Spring. Along with this, Basant was also celebrated, which has now become a story of the past. The fountain of fair lights is no longer what it was in the last decades, but its leftover turtles still capture human beings. Shah Hussain Lahori did not care about the outward Shariah all his life. Shah Hussain continued to distribute the gifts of his inner history in the koche coach of Lahore. His religion was the love of man and he gave his own love in such a way that he was called Madhavlal Hussain. He used to sing songs of love in the streets of The City of Lahore. This student, who had left the lessons of the Madrasa of Delhi Gate, became a traveler of the inner world. She has expressed her masti through her Punjabi coffees. Shah Hussain is the forehead of Punjabi poetry. Shah Hussain’s poetry is a reflection of existential thought.
Their coffees are full of the realities of life.
What are the eyes in Mai Ni?
The state of pain Shah Hussain was a fakir. it was miserable. The city was a lover of Lahore. He stayed away from the Mughal emperors and kept his own settlement. They were painted in the color of unity of existence in such a way that every hundred began to appear. Shah Jahan was eager to meet. He brought Hasutli out of the world of reckoning and made him a traveller in the paths of knowledge. It seems to me that even today the sounds of the drums and feet of Shah Hussain and his malangs are spreading color in the streets of the city of Lahore. Shah Hussain, who loved humans, was the beloved of all. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims all considered the festival as their own. Good luck to Shah Hussain. Salutations came to the malangs dancing at his dargah. Let the smoke of the lamps on his doorstep cover the whole region in his cloak of love and love, and let the practice of love be common. I wish man would win. May love be loved. End the business of hate. Let everyone feel refreshed by the fragrance of this earth . The fairs of The City of Lahore remained the same. May every hundred lamps of peace be lit Ranjit Singh Mela was fond of lamps. Shah Hussain’s fair was organized under his supervision. Often he used to sit in the intersection and welcome the participants of the fair. Ranjit Singh used to appear in the court of Shah Hussain. Ranjit Singh had dedicated two-two bighas of land from different areas to meet the expenses of Shah Hussain’s shrine and the annual Urs.
This festival was associated with Basant, Spring, Colors, Fragrances and Randas. This festival had nothing to do with religion because the poor are shared by all. Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims used to sing songs of love.
Sometimes I heard the sound of Lahore’s jogi in my mind. I wanted someone to call me a fakir. The sound of coffee is coming in the ears. The beat of drums is beating. Through the narrow streets, I reach Madhavlal Hussain. ۔ The breath of freshness, freshness and masti welcome me. There is a strange dedication and masti camping around his shrine. There is also good management and cleanliness in the premises of the dargah. In a certain environment and atmosphere of head masti, the pages of history revolve in front of the eyes. Shah Hussain’s character of resistance always inspires us. Shah Hussain is a symbol of resistance and a pioneer of the resistance class of Sufism.
Shah Hussain’s favorite pastime was to sit on the banks of river Ravi with his disciple Madhav. He had to come under several fatwas in order to become the leader of the blasphemous randas. The slogans of this fakir are still heard in the streets of Shahdara. In his Punjabi poems, the dance of the wings of existential thought and malangs roams in the eyes.There will be many beautiful days when farmers from all over Punjab used to come to kiss the platform of this God-fearing dervish after harvesting wheat. There was no discrimination of religion in this crowd of human beings. The culture and history of Lahore and Punjab is associated with this fakir. Love and philanthropy are the real themes of his poetry.
Malang alti palti sits next to Shah Hussain. His presence in shah hussain’s court gets a certificate of acceptance when the langar also arrives at his feet. The sadness becomes dizzy. The soul and the heart are completely humbled.
Whenever I went to meet Shah Hussain, my heart wanted me to be filled with the smoke rising from the lamps of the monastery. Keep singing Shah Hussain’s coffees together with the malangs sitting in the dargah. May the pace of life stop and keep talking about humanity, but sorrow is bad, you have to rise because of you. ۔ They enjoy the fragrance of every corner of the dargah.
A dervish and god’s love for a wandering wanderer gave him a dedication that cannot be described in words.
۔ The land of India is also so enviable that the rule of the special mistresses of God is still there. For 400 years, the true kingdom of Shah Hussain has been established.
May Allaah bless those dervishes whose shrines still shelter the oppressed people of the world.
If you call your bastard your intellect, then wise
Mir Malik Sultanan knew them by the way
You kill and you throw azrael
Say: Husayn faqir sain’s rise Lahore’s Head Mast Doresh, in whose foot is still the time of Spring. Shah Hussain died in 1599 and was buried in Shahdara on the banks of river Ravi. After some time, ravi water tried to reach the grave and he was buried in Baghbanpura. His tomb was built by Shah Delhi Moizuddin.
After his death, Madhavlal took over the management of the dargah. Due to his love for the city of Lahore, Shah Hussain is also called Faqir Lahore.
After Shah Hussain, Madhav lived for forty-eight years. Madhav was also given a place in the tomb of Shah Hussain. There are only two graves in the shrine, one is Shah Hussain and the other is Madhavlal Hussain.
Lying next to Shah Hussain, Madhav has been devoted to the pleasures of wasalyar for centuries. The inscription on his grave is very meaningful. ۔ Beloved Truth Hazrat Madhavlal Hussain.
I will seek permission from Darwish Lahore, Malang Lahore and Faqir Lahore on Shah Hussain’s coffees.
Woe to the lonely, to whom
The beautiful form was heartwarming in the eyes.
One moment Sajjan did not separate, sit inside.
Say Hussain Faqir Sain’s walk today or tomorrow
One two. Three four five six seven seven of us eight
Everyone went home. you’re alone
Jeha Reja Thok Wafayu Sithi Chaddar Tan Ke Seon
Say Hussain Faqir Sain ka aaye lagi hain chhak pun
Riba from my present mahram
They’re from inside, they’re from outside, they’re from rome.
From Tana, from Bana, everything from me.
Say Hussain Faqir Naman, I am not the most

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